The King’s Daughters Girly Girls Conference
June 22, 2024
Crown Plaza Hotel, Greenbelt, MD
With joy, this assignment is now completed!
Before the Girly Girls entered the room the glory of the Lord encircled it; from the center to its circumference, the presence of the Lord could be felt. With great delight, the atmosphere was filled with great anticipation and expectation ~ Truly, something was happening in the Spirit and only the end would tell of all that God would do in this humble place. The Place of the King’s Daughters Girly Girls Conference~
Pastor Regina Jones
One word used to describe Pastor Regina is Passionate ~ Pastor Regina is Passionate about the Kingdom and she is Passionate about Kingdom People!She demonstrated her Passion which was captured in her expression both before, during as well as after worship. She facilitated the GG’s event with love and care. From the reading of Scripture ~ Psalm 139 to the closing prayer ~ we were led and guided by one who’s passion it is… to see lives changed in the Presence of God.
Rev. Lisa Pate
Our initial welcome was served to us in song~
For every mountain You’ve brought me over
For every trial You’ve seen me through
For every blessing, hallelujah!
For this I give You Praise~
For This I Give You Praise!
Pastor Shielia Russell
With love and tenderness, Pastor Shielia led us into the Presence of the Lord~ Songs ministered through this Sweetly anointed Vessel, unto the Lord, invited the Presence of the Lord not only into our space, but into our hearts. Not only were our hearts ignited and set ablaze anew, but the listening and watching hotel staff were propelled into a place of awe & reverence~
First Lady Rev. Patricia Felton
The King’s Daughter is All Glorious Within
Psalm 45
Rev. Pat began her message to an audience of waiting women, eager to hear what thus saith the Lord ~ And, He spoke ever so wonderfully, clearly & concisely ~ Get Off the Fence ~ I Am Who My Heavenly Father Says I Am!
Lunch is now served
Baked Chicken
Sauteed Salmon
Garden Salad
Pasta Salad
Steamed Broccoli
Rice Pilaf
Soup Du Jour
Rolls & Butter
Beverage of choice
A Testimony: No Shoes!
Our Girly Girls Team have created a recurring event which we’ve named “Christmas in June.” For this event we collect gently used and new women and children’s clothes, shoes, coats, new pampers & new pull-ups. We wrap all items and present them as gifts under a fully decorated Christmas Tree. It was during such an event at our Girly Girls conference where we presented the opportunity for all women to receive these gifts.
One conference attendee saw the Christmas Tree and her eyes brightened with excitement and joyful glee. She shared with us why: “I had only one pair of shoes – they were worn and torn but they were all I had. I had one pair of bedroom slippers – but again, they were all I had. I came to the GG’s Conference and at the end of the conference, we were told to go to the tree to receive our gifts. While standing there I saw shoes! In fact, I saw boxes and boxes of shoes. I grabbed them all! I smiled as I traveled back to the shelter because I knew I had been praying for shoes.”
The following week, she also provided an update to her story: “I received shoes and clothes from the GG’s Conference – shoes I was able to wear to a job interview, and clothes which I was able wear on a job interview. Then when I got the job, I was able to wear my new shoes and my gifted clothing items to work. Thank you, Girly Girls ~ I’m now walking in my new job AND into my destiny, because of Christ and His provision for me of shoes and clothes at the Girly Girls Conference.”
Min. Janet Penn
Dancing is more than being active with movement to melodies for Min. Janet Penn.
Dancing before the Lord is Ministry in Motion!
Where Friends Meet
Dr. “T” Tanisha Stith
Rev. Tara Simpkins
Min. Jacqueline Felton
If the blessings of the LORD could be captured in a SMILE ~ the first picture would look like this!
Calling All Girly Girls…
Especially those of the same family.
This was truly a time for family. Joy is written and celebrated within the fabric of our lives. This is beautiful to behold; family, at its finest celebrating Christ as Lord!
God’s Gentle Giants
Mighty Men celebrating and upholding our Girly Girls in safety and security – and doing it all with a gentle and kind spirit and joy in their hearts.
Shine Forth
Beaming with joy is our dear Sister, Mary-Frances Rice!
She whispered, “The Lord gave me just what I asked for…”
New friends and those we’ve known for a long while… it was like coming home to family~
Pastors & PhDs
All are welcome and are a part of the Girly Girls Experience~
Min. Marveen Marsden
The Speakers
Get: to become, obtain, receive and fetch.
Both speakers started their messages off with “GET.”
“Get off the fence” and “Get up” we were encouraged to move from where we are too where God wants us to be. Although we have made mistakes and may have fallen, God still loves us!
Pastor Regina Jones
With just as much glory & grace with which she began the service, she ended such with the Fire of Holy Spirit ~ Sending us home with Jesus’ Joy and a heart that was forever changed!
The King’s Daughters
Girly Girls Team
Min. Janet Penn
Pastor Regina Jones
Lady LaTisha Coleman
Sis. Amirah Koonce
Min. Marveen Marsden
Rev. Lisa Pate
Assoc. Pastor Patricia Felton
Min. Diane Mingo
Pastor Shielia Russel (on assginment)
The King’s Daughters
Girly Girls Team
The King’s Daughters
Girly Girls Conference
Christmas in June Event
The hearts of many were revived and refreshed, including the men (God’s Gentle Giants).
Five souls prayed the Sinner’s Prayer.
Three of the five are currently submitting their lives to be discipled by individual members of Life Builders.
To God be all the Glory!!
Thank YOU, Sponsors, family & friends for being a part of what God is doing and giving, unselfishly, to the Girly Girls Conference.
Lives were Changed because of YOUR Giving to the Lord!
We are so glad you gave!